Clear Colon Diet

Meal Plan: What Foods Can You Eat 3 Days Before a Colonoscopy?

What foods can you eat 3 days before a colonoscopy

Since your specialist will recommend a low-fiber diet in the 3 days prior to your appointment, many people undergoing a colonoscopy for the first time, often wonder what foods can you eat 3 days before a colonoscopy.

Preparing for a colonoscopy involves more than just scheduling the procedure; it also involves careful dietary considerations in the days leading up to the procedure. This preparation aims to ensure that the colon is thoroughly cleansed for a successful and accurate examination. One key aspect of this preparation is adhering to a low-fiber diet, which helps reduce the amount of fecal matter in the colon.

This article explores what foods are permissible and not allowable three days before a colonoscopy. Examples of these foods are also highlighted to provide a practical guide for starting your pre-colonoscopy diet.

What Foods Can You Eat 3 Days Before A Colonoscopy? Overview

Adequate bowel preparation must be done in advance to increase the chances of a comfortable, smooth, and accurate procedure. Bowel preparation involves going on a special diet, using a medication sometimes referred to as a “colonoscopy prep,” and, in some cases, an enema.

The ‘special diet’ patients have to start in preparation for a colonoscopy is called a Low Fiber diet. Fiber is a food component commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Fiber (also known as residue) is an undigestible component of food that travels into the colon unchanged and plays a role in forming easily excretable stool. The objective of the low-fiber diet is to reduce the volume of fiber eaten in the days before the procedure. Less fiber means less residue in the colon, allowing the colonoscope (a long, slender camera used by the doctor to examine the colon during a colonoscopy) to move freely and unobstructed. Low residue also increases the visibility of the colon.

When it comes to what foods can you eat 3 days before a colonoscopy, most professionals will have you begin your low-fiber intake in the days leading up to your appointment. It involves eating foods with low fiber or removing the fiber from foods before eating them.

What to eat 3 days prior to colonoscopy donuts cakes are ok
What to eat 3 days prior to colonoscopy? Donuts and cakes are ok!

Permissible Foods on A Low-Fiber Diet

Examples of foods you can enjoy on a low-fiber diet include:

Carbohydrates (including Legumes and Cereals): White rice, white bread, noodles, pasta, pancakes, French toast, waffles, pretzels, doughnuts, etc.

Protein: Egg, Fish, Tofu, ground meat, soft and tender, well-cooked meat, processed and smooth peanut butter, etc.

Fruits: Apple juice, well-strained lemonade, well-strained white grape juice, seedless watermelons, etc.

Vegetables: Steamed vegetables without skins, seeds, or stems. 

Water: Lots of water

You should avoid nuts legumes
You should avoid nuts and legumes in the three days leading up.

Foods to Avoid on A Low-Fiber Diet

Some high-fiber foods to avoid include:

Carbohydrates: Brown rice, wheat, whole grain bread, corn, and whole sugar cane

Protein: Nuts, beans, undercooked meat.

Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and veggies with their seeds, stems, and skins intact.

Milk and Dairy Products: Milk, Cheese, Yoghurt, Ice-cream

With this in mind, creating a meal plan for the days before a colonoscopy should be easy.

What foods can you eat 3 days before a colonoscopy white bread
What foods can you eat 3 days before a colonoscopy? White bread and refined white flour products are OK.

What Foods Can You Eat 3 Days Before A Colonoscopy? Examples


  • White bread toast, omelets, and sausages with a warm cup of black coffee
  • White bread with fried or hard-boiled egg with tea
  • Pancakes, syrup, scrambled eggs, sausages and water


  • White rice, egg sauce, and well-strained white grape drink
  • Well-cooked potatoes with some roasted meat and a glass of apple juice
  • Fries, ketchup, and chicken with a cold glass of lemonade


  • Spaghetti and meatballs with clear soda
  • Noodles and salmon with water


  • Doughnuts, cakes

The possibilities and food combinations are numerous. A sample of a full day’s meal three days before a colonoscopy could look like this:

A Full Day’s Meal Plan

What Foods Can You Eat 3 Days Before A Colonoscopy

Breakfast: Waffles, pancakes, maple syrup, scrambled eggs, sausages, and well-done chicken with a cup of black coffee.

Mid-day Snack: Hydrating coconut water Jell-o

Brunch: Cinnamon rolls and Lime, cucumber, and mint frozen mojito

Lunch: White rice, sauce, barbecued fish and a glass of apple juice

Afternoon Snack: Watermelon sorbet and some transparent hard candy

Dinner: Pasta and soft meatballs with water

Night Snack: Butterscotch Jell-o bites

With this template and our recipes, you can create any meal plan of your choice for your first day of the pre-colonoscopy diet. Other helpful tips for pre-colonoscopy diet meal plans can be found here.


Following a low-fiber diet three days before a colonoscopy is essential for ensuring a successful and accurate procedure. By feeding on low-fiber, easily digestible foods, you can adequately prepare your colon for the procedure while maintaining adequate nutrition.

It is vital that you consult with your healthcare provider for personalized dietary recommendations based on your specific health needs and medical history. With careful planning and attention to your diet, you can navigate the days leading up to your colonoscopy with confidence and ease.

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